Support our student organization SkillsUSA that helps build leaders in industry! All proceeds go toward growing our programming and funding students to attend SkillsUSA contests.

The PLTC Annual Prospective Student Night is happening on Tuesday, January 17 from 4:30-7:00 PM. Come and take a look at the high school classes that we offer and speak directly with our instructors about the programs.

PLTC CAREER EXPO 3.2.23 Register for a Booth (copy & paste link): https://forms.gle/noTH17JpgU7ih6z78 -- Get exposure to 300+ students, collect resumes and interview on the spot! PLTC will provide a free boxed lunch, water bottle, 6ft table, and 2 chairs!

Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a great break! We look forward to seeing our students on Wednesday, January 4.

Happy New Year from all of us at PLTC!

FLASH SALE: Save 25% on all spirit wear Dec 26th - 28th! Stay warm with Pike Lincoln Technical Center hoodies, jackets, blankets, tees and hats! Visit https://1stplace.sale/53189.

From the Pike-Lincoln family to yours… Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

SkillsUSA competitors practicing critical thinking skills…”junk” projects

FLASH SALE: $19.99 tees! Sunday is the order deadline for Pike Lincoln Technical Center holiday gifts! All orders placed by midnight on December 11th are guaranteed to arrive by December 23rd or they're FREE! Visit https://1stplace.sale/53189

Now enrolling! Classes start January 17. Call the school at 573-485-2900 ext 425 for more information. Or visit us at https://www.pltc.edu/page/adult-and-community-education to register online.

Gift the gift of spirit wear this holiday season! Choose from hundreds of designs and garments, including gift ideas for parents and grandparents. Orders placed this week are guaranteed delivery before the holidays or they're FREE! Shop Now! https://1stplace.sale/53189

Just a few more days left in our silent auction. Make sure to check it out and support our Student of the Year scholarship! https://tinyurl.com/PLTC22Silent

Congratulations to our Student of the Month winners for October 2022!

Congratulations to our Student of the Month winners for October 2022!

Cyber Monday Sale! All PLTC spirit wear is 25% off today only! Choose from hundreds of spirit wear designs and garments, including gift ideas for parents and grandparents. Guaranteed delivery before the holidays or its FREE! Visit https://1stplace.sale/53189.

From the PLTC family, Happy Thanksgiving!

Donor Spotlight! THANK YOU to Bowling Green Lumber CO. for your donation to the Silent Auction of a MILWAUKEE COMPACT 2-TOOL COMBO KIT - we are honored to have you as a supporter of PLTC!

📣📣 Ready to start nursing school?
Our accredited 11-month program puts quality education well within your reach. Admissions for our August 2023 class starts now! So, if you are ready to start nursing school, we are ready to accelerate your career.
Ask about our LPN program today. Contact Admissions at 573-485-2900.

Donor Spotlight! Thank you Old Monroe Lumber Co. for supporting our school with your donation of a 12 GALLON SHOP VAC & 76 PC SOCKET SET - our students & programs thank you!